Are you a fan or do you do you hate it? copyright Bear (2023) analysis.

Ladies and gentlemen be sure to buckle your seatbelts as you set out for a thrilling ride of ridiculousness! "copyright Bear" is an unmissable ride in more different ways. This film takes the "bear-y" true story and transforms it into an humorous horror film that will be sure to make you scratch your head, or pondering the life choices of both bear

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Halloween H20 Movie Review

Released 20 years after the original Halloween, a fact that they never EVER let you forget, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later is Halloween's return after the slasher genre revival of the late 90s. As such, while it IS a Halloween (blog post) movie, has Michael Myers and even Laurie Strode in science fiction movie reviews it... it does come off like m

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Do you get tired of the same pretentious movie critics complaining about how wrong the latest Hollywood movie is? You should then follow Decker Shado or Adam Does Movies to see my favorite YouTube movie reviews channels. Decker, who calls himself a "cybermercenary," writes reviews that cut to to the heart of whether or not a film is worth your time

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Skinned Deep horror

A homage to classic grindhouse horror cinema from 2004, Skinned Deep doesn't shy away from its inspiration at all in its aesthetic. Presented in a 4 by 3 aspect ratio, with heavy film grain and overdubbed dialogue, you don't even need the story of a middle-of-nowhere family of maniacs to make this one feel unnerving. Oh, but it's about a mid

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